Drop Zone Gatekeeper - 1st Shift [United States]


The drop zone gatekeeper is responsible for submitting warehouse requests for the inventory required in portions and meal bags during their scheduled shift. The drop zone gatekeeper will submit requests through the warehouse requests app. The drop zone gatekeeper is expected to partner with the production team and submit inventory requests according to the production plan and volumes to be completed on the shift.



Submit inventory requests accurately through the warehouse requests app:
  • Gatekeeper will partner with the production team for the shift plan and volumes to be completed on the shift
  • Gatekeeper will be responsible for the issue to production process
  • Gatekeeper will audit the drop zone prior to requesting inventory
  • Gatekeeper will submit inventory requests using the warehouse requests app
  • Gatekeeper will request the quantities of inventory required for portions and meal bags
  • Gatekeeper will be responsible for the drop zone management

Green con put back ingredients:
  • Gatekeeper will audit to drop zone and identify inventory no longer in use
  • Gatekeeper will move inventory no longer in use to the put back area in the drop zone
  • Gatekeeper will green cone inventory to be placed back into their designated coolers
  • Gatekeepers will identify and green cone sensitvie ingredients to be placed back into their designated coolers

Audit consolidated pallets:
  • Gatekeeper will audit consolidated pallets for broken down meal bags
  • Gatekeeper will audit quantities of ingredients and identify if excess inventory has been consolidated
  • Gatekeeper will remove excess inventory from the consolidated pallets and green cone the inventory to be placed back
  • Gatekeeper will audit if sensitive ingredients have been consolidated
  • Gatekeepre will remove the senstive ingredients and green cone them to be placed back into their designated coolers

  • General high school degree, or equivalent
  • Computer skills (PC or laptop use, Microsoft Office, Basic Typing)
  • Strong math and counting skills
Hourly Range: $19.00 - $25.50




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